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Chatbot builder

60% of users leave the website, if online consultant does not answer within 5 seconds.

Chatbots give immediate answers, work 24/7, never get sick and tired. Stop losing your customers.

Create your chatbot!



Do you lose customers just because you can not reply to all users at the moment? Create your first Chatbot, which will interact with the audience, replying to the similar questions without a doubt. Get more customers, get more income.


Do you know what keeps your customers up at night and why do you lose up to 30% of requests at night time and on weekends. Chatbots work 24/7, without a break and days off. Boost your speed of reaction and keep messages coming from multiple channels in one simple dashboard. Enhance your sales and profit.


You can not afford hiring new employees, because you have been already spending a lot of money processing the same type of customer requests from the website. Chatbots will do 80% of the job for you. So, you will save 30% on customer service costs.

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Build your first Chatbot in minutes, without a code!


Success story

digital marketing agency

Their chatbot has helped more subscribers to participate in a contest.

50 times more than average - the number of views of the post with a contest.

30%of engaged audience has taken a part in the competition.


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Trusted by customers


Case studies

How we helped a major online retailer take 2.7 times more orders and increase profits

How many call center managers can an online store allocate to confirm and process orders? And will they be able to respond instantly, so customers don't have to wait on the line? Even if there are almost no problems with this, this will not be enough after a successful advertising campaign, when orders become much larger than usual. We will tell you how to cope with this using the example of one of our clients.

How Chatbots Help Online Marketing Agencies?

Online chat on the site makes it possible to contact the company in writing, which many people like. But in order for the chat to bring customers, a special employee must be responsible for it, and this is an additional cost. Does this investment pay off for marketing agencies and can you cut costs? We will use the example of one of our clients.

Answers to your questions


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